please download the AGM agenda if you can. We look forward to meeting people on the 31/5/22 at 7pm. Fingers crossed for good weather,...
please download the AGM agenda if you can. We look forward to meeting people on the 31/5/22 at 7pm. Fingers crossed for good weather,...
The previous years minutes were approved last night at the AGM. They are attached.
a message from the committee. If you have your car at the allotments and the grass cutters turn up (this can happen at any time) would...
One of the Committee members has sensibly suggested - all plot holders should visit their particular plot as the recent storms have had...
The last plot inspections of the year were done by the committee this week. Letters or emails may have been received by some reminding...
A skip will be delivered on the 29th September for the use of all plot holders. Please not this year there will be one skip only. A...
Clifton (Without) and RawcliffeAllotmentsAssociation Committee Meeting 6.30pm 25/4/23 (Mitre Pub) 1) Apologies for absence Robin, Les,...
AGM Minutes Clifton (Without) and Rawcliffe Allotments Association AGM Tuesday 29th May 2022 7pm At the Allotments. In attendance Mick F,...
Bren Winteringham is now sorting the lettings of plots and is doing a grand job! We currently have no vacant plots and its nice to see...
Amended Rules pf CWRAA - any questions contact a Committee Member
Clifton (Without) and Rawcliffe Allotments Association AGM Committee Meeting Tuesday 29th May 2022 7pm At the Allotments. In attendance...
Finally, The Committee are able to hold an AGM which is to take place outside on the allotment site on the 31/5/2022. The aim is to...
Double digging – this is a technique for digging over your allotment which was widely practiced a generation ago. It involves digging a...
And just like that, after a week of rain, summer finally seems to have arrived, or at least some sun and warmer temperatures anyway. its...
While all this warm weather makes for great back garden meet-ups and a pint in the local beer garden, it’s not great at all for allotment...
The beginning of April on the allotment has seen more cold weather, with a regular frosts and some below zero temperatures. Other than...
Due to the restrictions being lifted on meeting up in public places, the committee have taken the decision to allow new lettings again....
It’s early March on the allotment and as the weather starts to warm up (just a little), the site is starting to become busier with...
Due to the COVID pandemic, the Committee took the decision to suspend all plot letting during most of 2020, therefore avoiding face to...