AGM Minutes
Clifton (Without) and Rawcliffe Allotments Association AGM
Tuesday 29th May 2022 7pm
At the Allotments. In attendance Mick F, Robin B, Michael, Dorothy, Les, Tony & Geoff. Apologies for absence Brenda W and Stuart B. General members joined the meeting at this point
Chairs Introduction
Minutes of last meeting – No Minutes are available from March 2019
Secretary’s report – The last AGM was 2019 and lock downs due to the pandemic prevented further AGM in 2020 and to some extent 2021. Any committee meetings were held in the open air and we must apologise for these events which were out of our control.
The renewal of the allotments lease we have been pursuing with NHS since 2015 as it was due 2013. NHS have confirmed they do not want to change the current arrangement and the Parish Council hold the lease on our behalf. The NHS would give us 12-18 months notice if they wanted us to quit the site but hopefully this will not happen in the foreseeable future.
The Environment Agency have an access path through the allotments to t their site. This was agreed with the NHS but CWRAA were consulted. This work predicted as 18 months allows them to reinforce the flood defences. As part of this arrangement new rabbit fences were installed.
The Committee chose not to continue membership of the National Allotment Society due to increased costs and no benefits in return.
CWRAA have a new website and work is ongoing.
New rules - Discussion took place regarding allotment rules which need clarity on transfer of plots, height of trees and rubbish removal. Proposal is that fruit and other types of trees should be on semi dwarfing rootstock and neighbouring plot holders and a committee member should be consulted. Exchange of plots is only permitted with the approval of the letting officer, otherwise membership is not transferable. Proposed by Michael and 2nd by Billy.
Treasurers report – written report shared and also verbal update to members present. Association’s assets are cash, Income from membership enable expenditure on water butts and fences, lawnmower and strimmer maintenance. Skips are provided in Autumn. Enough cash flow must be maintained should the site need to be relinquished.
As detailed in the last full FY report there is no capital budget as the vast majority of the Association’s assets are cash, so better to absorb any cost in year 1, and there is no ready second-hand market for most capital expenditure e.g., water butts and fences.
As of 25/05/2022 the Association has banked assets of £16,552.76.
Rental rates for 2023- to stay the same
Letting Officers report – Covid 19 meant our waiting list was suspended and letting were closed. Autumn 2021 saw 16 new members as the waiting list had peaked to between 50-60 and we reduced it to 36. 4 very overgrown plots were strimmed before letting and several members contacted to enquire were they continuing.
Election/Re-election of Officials and Committee Since the last AGM, there have been several changes to the committee All current committee members wish to stand for re-election.
Mark Benson - Chair & Treasurer, Robin Ball - Secretary, Vice Chair & Lettings Officer, Stuart Brown - Membership Secretary, Les White, Mick Frankish- Equipment, Geoff Oxley, Tony Bulleyment- Mowing and Maintenance, Nigel Naylor - Clifton (Without) Parish Council, Mark Waudby - Rawcliffe and Skelton Parish Council, Dorothy Winter – Minutes Secretary and Website, Michael Watkins, Brenda Winteringham
Waste & Rubbish Disposal, Composting, Bonfires and Skips
We have asked the Environment Agency for support with stone for pathways in the allotment and they have agreed. We will also ask for help with boundary fence repair.
Communal compost bins were withdrawn as they were not a success and individual plot holder must be responsible for their own.
Communal Bonfires are the responsibility of the Committee. Smaller bonfires on individual plots in the permitted time frame must adhere to the rules regarding time of year & wind direction
Skips – there will be 2 this year dates to be arranged but provisionally September and October
AOB – Thank you to all volunteers for their support with maintenance in particular Les, Mick and Rod.
Thank you to all for attending